Benefits of Red Teaming

Fully assess your organization’s threat detection and response capabilities with a simulated cyber-attack.

Find paths to your most critical assets

▸ See how exposed your most valuable data is if it were targeted

▸ Identify users that would be most vulnerable, or most targeted by attackers and see how they react to active attacks

Enhance blue team effectiveness

▸ A stealthy approach tests your blue team’s capability to quickly identify and respond to active threats and gaps

Protect access to sensitive information by finding weaknesses others overlook

▸ Go beyond a vulnerability assessment to identify the techniques attackers would take to breach sensitive information.

What Zeroday.PRO Offers

Our Red Team operations exceed the traditional security testing by rigorously challenging the effectiveness of technology, personnel and processes to detect and respond to a highly targeted attack conducted over an extended period of time.

Scenario-Based testing

Scenario-based testing is a specialist form of offensive security assessment. Unlike traditional penetration testing, which is focused on uncovering vulnerabilities, scenario-based testing is designed to benchmark the performance of cyber security controls against specific adversarial tactics and behaviours.
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Phishing and Spear-Phishing tests

The Phishing Testing Service simulates both a broad-scale generic email phishing attack or a realistic targeted attack on key employees. The result of this test generates valuable statistics for measuring the effectiveness of business awareness training and procedures.
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Ransomware Assessment

Our ransomware assessments enable your organization to reduce the potential harm of ransomware attacks by examining crucial security areas and attack vectors. This allows you to build smarter defences, close exploitable gaps, better safeguard sensitive data and more quickly respond and recover from an attack.
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Our Red Teaming Methodology

Zeroday.PRO Labs operates under a structured, repeatable methodology. We prioritize this concept in each engagement to make certain that our assessment is reliable, reproducible, and top-notch in quality. As such, our findings can always be verified by your team, before and after the remediation. To get these results, we are guided by the following steps:


Our expert consultants will identify current risks associated with the clients business and build goals to simulate that risk. This first stage is an opportunity for the client and consultant to establish boundaries and rules of engagement for the assessment.



In this phase, we will utilise both Passive and Active Information Gathering. Our ethical hackers utilise a variety of OSINT tools, techniques and resources to collect information that could be used to successfully compromise the target. This includes details about networks, employees and in use security systems.



Once any vulnerabilities have been identified and a plan of attack formulated, the next stage of any engagement is staging. Staging involves setting up and concealing the infrastructure and resources needed to launch attacks.



The attack delivery phase of a Red Team operation involves compromising and obtaining a foothold on the target network. Our ethical hackers may attempt to exploit discovered vulnerabilities, crack weak employee passwords, and launch phishing attacks to drop malicious payloads.



Once a foothold is obtained on the target network, the next phase of the engagement is focussed on achieving the objective(s) of the Red Team operation. Activities at this stage can include lateral movement across the network, privilege escalation and data exfiltration.



Following completion of the red team assessment, a comprehensive report is prepared to help personnel understand the success of the exercise, including an overview of vulnerabilities discovered, attack vectors used and recommendations about how to remediate and mitigate risks.

Put your cyber security program to the test

We apply manual analysis, cutting-edge methodologies, the best pentesting software, and our unique pentest report generation tool.

Frequently asked questions about Red Team Attack Simulation

What is a Red Team exercise?

Performed by a team of qualified ethical hackers, a red team exercise is the design and execution of an offensive operation aimed to simulate a certain malicious actor. This can verify the organization’s defensive layers and identify not only high/critical risk vulnerabilities but also testing the real detection and response capabilities provided by the organization.

What is the difference between Pentesting and Red Teaming?

While a penetration test usually is constrained to a particular scope and focuses mainly on vulnerabilities, a red team service should not have a limited scope but at the same time maintain focus on resilience rather than on vulnerabilities.

A Red Team operation is an extended form of engagement conducted over a period of weeks and designed to achieve a set objectives, and in the process test an organization’s detection and response capabilities.

How long does it take to conduct a red teaming exercise?

The duration of a Red Team operation is dependent upon the scope and objective(s) of the exercise. A full red team engagement is typically performed over one to two months however specific scenario-based operations with a narrower focus can be performed over two to three weeks. Shorter operations, such as those designed to simulate insider threats, are usually based on an assumed breach.

Could a red team exercise cause any damage or disruption?

Unlike genuine cyber-attacks, Red Team operations are designed to be non-disruptive and non-destructive. Our ethical hacking services will be carried out in line with pre-agreed rules of engagement and the highest technical, legal and ethical standards.

Why should I use Zeroday.PRO?

Zeroday.PRO team hold certifications from the leading industry organizations, including Offensive Security Certified Expert 3 (OSCE3), Offensive Security Experienced Penetration Tester (OSEP), Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) and more. Our security engineers are hugely experienced at performing network security testing and website security testing and can help your organisation to identify vulnerabilities in a range of programming languages and environments.